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从化市林业局 广州从化 510925
2005年在广东省广从公路从化温泉段两侧营建生态景观林带,种植山杜英(Elaeocarpus sylvestris)、黎蒴(Castanopsis fissa)、枫香(Liquidambar formosana)和凤凰木(Delonix regia)4种阔叶树。造林后调查树种保存率、高生长、胸径生长和树冠生长。结果表明:2 a生时,枫香、山杜英、凤凰木的造林保存率均超过96%,黎蒴相对较低,为94.4%;3 a生时,3个生长性状在树种间与种植坡位间均存在显著差异。树种生长快慢次序为黎蒴>山杜英>枫香>凤凰木,生长最快的在山坡下部,其次是山坡中部,最慢是山坡上部。黎蒴、山杜英和枫香主干清晰,树形和叶色美观,是适宜的景观树种;凤凰木丛生现象突出,树形不佳,不宜种植在山地。
关键词:   生态景观林;阔叶树种;早期生长表现;保存率
分类号 S792.99
Early Growth Performance of Four Broadleaf Species in Eco-landscape Forests in Conghua County
Zhan Ziquan
Wenquan section of Guangcong Road is an important corridor for local tourism. Eco-landscaping forests were constructed along both roadsides with four broadleaf species, including Elaeocarpus sylvestris, Castanopsis fissa, Liquidambar formosana and Delonix regia in 2005. Preservation rate, height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and crown size were investigated in early three years. Two year old E. sylvestris, C. fissa, and L. formosana displayed high preservation rate more than 96%, but D. regia showed relatively low rate of 94.4%. There were significant differences of three growth traits among tree species and sites. The species order of growth traits was C. fissa > E. sylvestris >L. formosana >D. regia. The growth traits were the highest at uphill, intermediate at mesoslope and the lowest at downhill. E. sylvestris, C. fissa, and L. formosana had obvious trunks with beautiful tree form and leaf morphology, suggesting their suitability for eco-landscaping, whereas D. regia showed a high percentage of tufted stems with poor tree form, indicating their improperness of planting at hills.
Key words:   eco-landscape forest; broadleaf species; early growth performance; preserving rate